
Third Season of Ma-eum-uisoli.

Second season of Ma-eum-uisoli.

Tayo speeds into an adventure when his friends get kidnapped by evil magicians invading their city in search of a magical gemstone. (Source: Netflix)


這部喜劇故事講述了一隻名叫 Manul-kun 的有點輕率的 Pallas 的貓或 manul、一隻名為 Chatora-kun、Sukofu-kun 的橙色虎斑貓和其他貓的日常生活。

Takara Tomy卡片遊戲的改編動畫版。

《MEGALOBOX》故事描述在一個賽博龐克風的近未來,發展出了以外骨骼裝甲和拳擊融合的究極格鬥競技「MEGALOBOX」,但身為沒有市民權資格、居住在非認可區的主角JNK DOG即便想參賽,卻也只能被困在鄉下靠著打假比賽維生。但在他邂逅了MEGALOBOX的冠軍勇利之後,身為一個拳擊手、身為一個男人,他誓言要向自己的「現在」發起挑戰….

Second season of Mewkledreamy.

Spin-off of Micchiri Neko.

The new cut of the series will condense its story down from 50 episodes to nine, with new “animation cuts”. The story will concentrate primarily on the mercenary group Tekkadan and its members.

Sequel to Motto! Majime ni Fumajime Kaiketsu Zorori

Third season of Motto! Majime ni Fumajime Kaiketsu Zorori.

故事的舞台設定在擁有自由氣息的沿海城市「Neo San Francisco」之中,剛搬到這裡的善良少年「姆特奇(暫譯,原文:ムテキ)」和另一名自稱為 DJ 的少年相遇,並由此獲得了變身成「Dancing Hero MUTEKING」的能力。使用唱歌和跳舞的力量擊退怪物守護城市的少年和 DJ,仍未知道隱藏其中的人類危機正在迫近……


《Muv-Luv Alternative》原作遊戲在 2006 年 2 月發售,是 2003 年《Muv-Luv》的續作。故事核心為人類駕駛戰術步行戰鬥機,與外星生命體 BETA 長期抗戰的過程。其獨特的世界觀廣受粉絲好評,連《進擊的巨人》諫山創曾在訪談中透露自己因這部作品受到很深的影響。

One year after an unprecedented zombie attack that killed hundreds of thousands, South Korea has finally been declared zombie-free. But Jeonghwan holds a secret: his daughter is the last zombie left on earth. When her cravings are satisfied and her violent tendencies die down, it almost seems like there’s hope for her to have a normal life. But how long can he keep Su-ah a secret from everyone else? (Source: Webtoon)