The 2018 LINE sticker set Poccolies is inspiring a series of anime shorts. The story of the sticker set is that a positive and honest boy named Patsuhiko lives on Pokkori Island, along with the shrewd and mysterious Ham, and a reliable older brother figure named Kangaroo. The sticker set follows their daily lives. (Source: ANN)
改編自漫畫家 井上小春 筆下作品,講述從小就被詛咒「只要碰觸到東西就全都會死亡」的貴族少爺,以及唯一願意陪伴且不時性騷擾他的女僕愛麗絲,兩人雖兩情相悅卻不能觸碰彼此的戀愛故事。
動畫監督與編劇皆為《在地下城尋求邂逅是否搞錯了什麼》的 山川吉樹 以及 白根秀樹,小學館 MUSIC & DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT(SMDE)參與 CGI 製作,將以3DCG 呈現原作童話般的氣氛。
The stage sets in a world where guinea pigs became cars. The car that makes you relax, “Molcar”. Having big round eyes, curvy butt and speedy limbs, they always explore the world with their innocent faces. Even during traffic jams, you can be eased just by looking at the butt of that Molcar in front of you. Even when they cause trouble, their furry cuteness will somehow make you forgive them!? Surrounded by situations only met by cars, it’s a Mol-animation filled with cure, friendship, adventure and furry actions! (Source: Muse Asia, edited)
《PUI PUI 天竺鼠車車》於 2021 年 1 月開播,描述人類與天竺鼠車車共存的世界中,所發生的人車關係、天竺鼠車車的冒險歷程和友情等,劇情單純、細節用心、時長短。播出後在日本、台灣等亞洲地區爆紅,還推出改編遊戲、劇場版、各式周邊等。