The anime is related to the #BeyondGender project, which aims to foster a society where people can live as they are, without being bound by social and cultural gender differences such as “masculinity” and “femininity.” The anime follows Mii, who has daydreams and thoughts triggered by questions about mind, body, and life. Professors of developmental psychology, gender theory, sex education, and other related subjects are supervising the program. (Source: ANN)
故事敘述一個利用能夠感知到殺意的系統「罔象女」來進行犯罪事件搜查的組織,通稱「藏」。作為「罔象女」的駕駛員,潛入犯人的深層心理「殺意的世界(ID)」,推理事件的名偵探・酒井戶。在頻繁發生的兇惡且帶有許多謎團的事件中,以及潛伏在其背後的連續殺人鬼製造者「John Walker」,「藏」與酒井戶追尋著他的身影。
改編自音樂手機遊戲的動畫《IDOLiSH7 – 偶像星願 -》描繪 7 位充滿個性的偶像,共組團體「IDOLiSH7」後在舞台上與同為偶像團體的「TRIGGER」等人競爭、逐漸成長的軌跡。而在第二部動畫中,將會有前輩團體「Re:vale」的登場。
改編自由 BANDAI NAMCO Online 發行、並由漫畫家 種村有菜人擔任人物原案設定的手機遊戲,電視動畫《IDOLiSH7 – 偶像星願 -》描繪 7 位充滿個性的偶像,共組團體「IDOLiSH7」後在舞台上與同為偶像團體的「TRIGGER」等人競爭、逐漸成長的軌跡。
Icecrins are the sweetly peculiar inhabitants of Ice Cream Town. Every day is a fresh start, with each Icecrin bringing their own unique flavor wherever they go. They may lose their cool at times, but in the end, they always do their best to help their friends have a very ‘ice day! [Written by MAL Rewrite]
《〈Infinite Dendrogram〉-無盡連鎖-》作中主角「椋鳥玲二」好不容易等到考完大學,終於迫不及待地啟動了之前哥哥強力推薦的 VRMMO 遊戲「Infinite Dendrogram」。當他進入遊戲來到跟哥哥相約的大噴水池,卻只看到一個穿上熊熊布偶裝的人舉著「歡迎弟弟」的牌子。兄弟見面之後,首先替委託人莉莉安娜前往勒夫舊果樹園執行尋找妹妹的任務。沒想到這個任務要面對的敵人,是外型像蜈蚣的亞龍,不僅體型龐大,威力更是驚人…… 玲二就此展開了一場奇幻冒險物語。
Anime based on “nature learning picture books” which explore the lives of insects, while also celebrating the themes of ecology and diversity. (Source: ANN)
《IRODORIMIDORI》是 SEGA 音樂街機遊戲《CHUNITHM》中,誕生出來的女子樂團組合「IRODORIMIDORI」為題材的短編動畫,講述舞舞原音樂大學付属的舞舞原高等學校,5 位少女組成樂團的日常故事。
Gloomy, an abandoned little bear, is rescued by Pitty (the little boy). At first, he is cute and cuddly, but becomes wilder as he grows up. Since bears do not become attached to people like dogs by nature, Gloomy attacks Pitty even though he is the owner. So Gloomy has blood on him from biting and/or scratching Pitty. (Source: Cube Works)